After A.H.T. Syngas Technology N.V. (in short “A.H.T.”) won the European-wide tender for the supply and construction of a research plant for the “:metabolon” project (we reported), the plant was delivered to the site. The assembly is now in full swing: gas generator and gas cleaning as well as steel construction, gas pipes and cabling including the complex measuring sensor technologies are already installed. The so-called cold commissioning will now follow and will be completed this year. The control sequences and the plant operation will be simulated.
“We are proud to have delivered the plant in this turbulent period and to have completed this important milestone”, remarks Gero Ferges, CEO of A.H.T. “We are now looking forward to the finalisation and handover and are eagerly awaiting the research projects of the TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences Cologne) Cologne and the project management agency Bergischer Abfallwirtschaftsverband BAV. We expect meaningful results that will significantly advance research into the use of biomass and waste materials in practical applications and promote the use of biomass and waste materials for energy generation,” he added.