A.H.T. Syngas Technology N.V. (“A.H.T.” for short). From September 14-16, the international ASIAN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY WEEK (ASE) 2022, was held at the QSNCC exhibition center in Bangkok. It is an important exhibition for renewable technologies in Southeast Asia. It focused on the latest programs, trends and technical developments in renewable energy. On the topic of “Green Energy Generation” A.H.T. informed the visitors at the joint booth of the Export Initiative Energy of the BMWK. We were able to convince numerous trade fair visitors of the innovative A.H.T.-CleanTec systems, in which waste materials are converted into energy sources, gas into fuels and fuels into energy. The quality of the discussions was very high and promising cooperations are emerging which will now be pursued further. “Rising energy costs are also a major issue in Asia. Due to the abundance of organic waste resources, these markets offer enormous potential for A.H.T.” Ferges, CEO of A.H.T., explains.